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  • 하나은행
  • 288-910391-87507
  • 예금주: 박웅규 크린베드

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크린베드의 하루

작성일 : 23-10-09 17:50
아름다운 곳, 하나
 글쓴이 : Luna
조회 : 2,712  

The College of Contract Management is an institution in the UK known for their excellence in providing high quality education through online learning. It is a vocational school that offers alternatives for those who look for other ways to acquire knowledge without the need of entering a university. One of their recognized programs is the SMSTS or the Site Manager's Safety Training Scheme. This is for professionals who want to widen their career prospect and advance to a managerial position. The course lasts for only 5 days, so what are you waiting for? Visit their site for more info!