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작성일 : 22-05-14 10:23
매트리스 청소하니까 너무 후련해요!
 글쓴이 : 김주희
조회 : 3,278  
검색경로:  씰리침대 제휴쿠폰
고객특이사항:  싱글매트리사 추가 건식청소
고객요청사항: 출발전 전화
매트리스특이사항: 2년정도 사용

처음으로 매트리스 클리닝 서비스 이용해 봤는데요


처음으로 매트리스 클리닝 서비스 이용해 봤는데요.
친절하게 설명해주시고, 침대 먼지도 싹 정리해주고 가셨어요.
클리닝 후 나온 먼지도 직접 보여주시더라고요. 이렇게 더러운 침대에서 자고 있었다니ㅠㅠ
시간도 오래 안 걸리고 한 번 받고 나니 진짜 속이 다 후련하네요ㅎㅎ
강아지도 있고, 아토피도 있어서 앞으로 정기적으로 클리닝하려고 합니다.

+ 서울2지점 이주완 기사님, 진짜 친절하시고 꼼꼼하셔요. 최고!

최고관… 22-05-18 06:02

고객님의 소중한 한 마디 한 마디 말씀이.
서비스의 한계는 어디까지일지 말로서 설명되지는 않지만
고객님들이 고개 끄덕일 수만있으시다면,
더 나가서 바로 그거야 하고 말씀하실 수만있다면,
힘을 모아 보겠습니다.
더 나은 서비스를 위해.

다시 한번 손모아

clauses 24-09-13 18:54
답변 삭제  
Professionals in the construction contract field place importance on the types of clauses within the agreement that clients will enter. Clients need to understand their priorities and the documents they need to prepare for their contractors or subcontracts. https://www.uniccm.com/blog/clauses-in-contracts-types-importance-and-construction-applications
mckenzie 24-10-07 21:54
답변 삭제  
One of the elements of jct contract is parties to the contract. The first thing to do is that, the contract must identify the the parties involved in the projects. It includes the clients, the employer, the contractor, and other relevant parties involved in the project. To know more about what are jct contracts and its elements, checkout the UNICCM website. https://www.uniccm.com/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-jct-contracts
sussie 24-10-29 18:07
답변 삭제  
Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors finds rics accredited hours important as this is what the members of the association should render every year to ensure they have fresh learnings and ideas with time. These are important hours members should obtain in order to keep their membership and avoid penalties. Institution like College of Contract Management helps members attain required hours with their courses enriched with learning even if it’s just a small amount of time.  https://www.uniccm.com/blog/mrics-the-package-to-be-with-rics
izzy 24-11-29 00:34
답변 삭제  
Calculating profit is essential whether you’re running a small business, studying finance, or just trying to keep track of your budget. One of the easiest ways to figure out your profit is by using the percentage profit formula. This formula helps you see how much profit you’ve made compared to the cost of your products or services. https://www.uniccm.com/blog/how-the-percentage-profit-formula-can-boost-profitability