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작성일 : 12-08-28 14:20
정말 감사합니다..*
 글쓴이 : happy8
조회 : 7,723  
오늘 날씨도 험한데.. 세상에서 가장 더러울 법한 매트리스.. 저걸 완전 새것으로 바꿔주고 가셨네요.
매트가 좋으면 뭐하나..애 오줌밭이 됬는데.. 버리려고 했어요 일이년 쓰다가.
청소 문의할때만 해도, 직원분 와서 보시면 정말 뜨악하겠다.. 청소로 힘들다고 하진않으려나..
정말 민망도 하고. 생각많이 들었었는데, 사장님 직접 오셔서 정말 싹.. 새 매트리스로 바꿔주시고 가셨네요.
친절한 설명도 너무 감사했습니다.
정말 감사합니다. 너무 뿌듯하네요.. 고생많으셨어요-*
다음 정기클리닝 시기에 뵙겠습니다. 건강하세요~

cleanbedte 12-08-29 02:03

일한다는 것, 살아 가는 속에 있는 것이니까 힘들 때도 때로는 버거울 때도 있겠지요.일하는 시간 속에 그저 녹아 들면 편안 합니다.땀이,  열기가 몸과 마음에서 배어 나오면 세상이 힘들다는 생각보다는 이 순간, 이 시간의 충실이 마음의 위로가 되어집니다. 모든 고객님들께 만족드릴 수없는 서비스업이고 빨래감처럼 방망이로 두들기고 세탁기에 넣어 빨수도 없는 매트리스 오염제거의 기술적인 한계가 분명히 있지만 오랜 시간 축적된 경험과 선도하는 기술력으로 더욱 노력하겠습니다. 후기 감사합니다.cleanbedteam.
wayen.aste… 24-06-26 22:50
답변 삭제  
The National Vocational Qualification Diploma is a British qualification and is awarded to a person who has gained an advanced (higher level) skillset useful for the job.  The course is for experienced professionals, so enrolling in an online school is the best option. CCM is the perfect choice! They seek to provide you with a convenient way to achieve your nvq level 6 construction management.  https://www.theccm.co.uk/courses-page/nvq-level-6-construction-site-management/
xiyu 24-07-03 22:20
답변 삭제  
Higher level of nvq level 6 is a qualification in a technical subject; title is given to professionals who have proven competence and in-depth knowledge in the field of their expertise. Checkout CCM nvq level 6 construction management courses to better assess and improve managerial competence and the breadth of technical skills.
mayura 24-07-10 23:10
답변 삭제  
The education and training course is suitable for all those who meet the practice requirements, regardless on if there are currently teaching or not. This course is also suitable for any individuals working as assessors who wish to achieve a teaching qualification. https://www.theccm.co.uk/courses-page/level-4-certificate-in-education-and-training/
alexis 24-08-06 19:34
답변 삭제  
A career can be advanced by enrolling in free level 2 food hygiene courses online uk, especially for those who want to become chefs. A culinary or hospitality certification can open up more work options in cafes and restaurants as it is recognized by employers as evidence of a worker's proficiency with safe food handling. People who are dedicated enough can even work in upscale restaurants.
Katherine … 24-08-30 22:38
답변 삭제  
A construction contract helps to establish clear communication and expectations between all parties involved in a project. It should cover every possible scenario to avoid disputes and delays. If you want to learn how to draft effective construction contracts, consider enrolling in an online course. Visit https://www.theccm.co.uk/courses-page/contract-management/
driana 24-09-27 23:14
답변 삭제  
A great leader recognizes the individual talents of every team member and is committed to helping them develop. It's important for your team to feel motivated, energized, and capable of achieving success with your support. Signing up for the free leadership courses at the College of Contract Management can give you the skills you need to be an effective and trustworthy leader.
Elowen Mor… 24-11-05 23:46
답변 삭제  
Pursuing an mrics qualification is a significant step for professionals in the field, and The College of Contract Management provides excellent resources to help you succeed. Their online programs are tailored to help students build practical knowledge alongside theoretical understanding. It’s a great route to take if you're looking to achieve chartered status without compromising on work.

sussie 24-12-23 20:14
답변 삭제  
At the College of Contract Management, they offer courses that build one’s ability and knowledge about maintaining a safe workplace environment like a site supervisor course. Check out their website and learn more amazing helpful courses. https://www.theccm.co.uk/courses-page/site-supervisory/
sussie 25-01-07 23:07
답변 삭제  
The food handlers certificate is important for individuals who work closely with food, as food can be sensitive and often consumed by people. Opportunities to take level 2 food hygiene certificate free are also helpful for one. Types of courses to obtain this certificate are listed on the College of Contract Management’s website. It is an informative article to give you a glimpse of food hygiene, what you’ll be taught on courses to obtain a certificate and how it can develop your career. https://www.theccm.co.uk/food-hygiene-course-types-and-career-paths/